September 13, 2010

Friendships getting ruined for some reason

"She did something bad to my friend, I must hate her!"

Lets say that.. You have a very close friend called S & there is this other friend called F .. You're not close to F as close as you're to S .. but you still like F and you think she/he is a nice person, so comes a day when F becomes rude to S, F lies to S or does something bad .. Would you stop being friends with F just because he/she did something bad to your best friend? ..

Sometimes, people have their reasons for doing this, sometimes they got their alibis and excuses with them, but we just don't know 'em .. that's why, I think we shouldn't judge or hate a person based on one experience or one action they've done. 

You're not supposed to hate your best friend's enemy, just because they did something bad to her/him.. cause if that's the way things go like, then you might end up hating everyone 

Friendships shouldn't be the reason why your other friendships get ruined. 


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